Cultural Pathways to Economic Self-Sufficiency and Entrepreneurship (CUPESSE)

Name: Cultural Pathways to Economic Self-Sufficiency and Entrepreneurship. [link]
Responsible: SEJ-535
Funding: European Commission
Beginning and End Dates: 2014 - 2018
Population: Unemployed people between 18-35 years old.
Location: Europe

Summary: The interdisciplinary CUPESSE project carries out an analysis of the role of family values on the levels of self-sufficiency and youth entrepreneurship in eleven EU member states. The results reveal the conditional relationship between the two factors.

Institutions: European Union, University of Heidelberg, University of Mannheim - Mannheim Center for European Social Research, University of Vienna, Prague University of Economics - VSE, Aarhus University, Central European University, University of Catania - UNICT, University of Granada, Pompeu Fabra University, University of Bern, Istanbul University of Koç, the University of New Castle Upon Tyne, European Research and Project Office GMBH and diaNEOsis.

- CUPESSE (2018). CUPESSE - Causes and Consequences of Youth Unemployment [video]. YouTube.

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- Tosun, J., Arco, J. L., Caserta, M., Cemalcilar, Z., Freitag, M., Hörish, F., Jensen, C., Kittel, B., Littvay, L., Lukes, M., Maloney, W., Mühlböck, M., Rainsford, E., Rapp, C., Schuck, B., Shore, J., Steiber, N., Sümer, N., Tsakoglou, P., Vancea, M., & Vegetti, F. (2018). Perceived economic self-sufficiency: A country--and generation-comparative approach. European Political Science, 1–22.